• 松坂集合1

  • 濃紺2

  • 納戸2

  • 浅葱紺1

  • 浅葱1

  • 甕覗1

  • 濃紺1

  • 納戸1

  • 浅黄紺2

  • 浅葱2

  • 甕覗2

  • 濃紺3

  • 納戸3

  • 浅葱紺3

  • 浅葱3

  • 甕覗3

  • 濃紺4

  • 納戸4

  • 浅葱紺4

  • 浅葱4

  • 甕覗4

昔と変わらない本藍染で糸から染めており、藍の香りも楽しめます。 Japan blueの名に相応しく本当に美しい全5色の藍染です。


生地巾 40cm
生地の厚さ 普通地
織元 御絲織物
洗濯方法 染色の特性上摩擦・水により多少色落ちしますので、他の物と一緒に洗わないでください。形を整えて干してください。


Matsusaka cotton is a cotton fabric that continues from the Edo era(about 150 years ago) and has been designated as a traditional craft from Mie prefecture.
Roots is because this place was one of the leading spinning centers in Japan.

During the Edo period the land prospered greatly as a town of merchants.
It is said that merchants who mainly dealt with this fabric set up stores in Edo(Tokyo) at first and raised tremendous sales of more than 500,000 rolls(6,000,000m) annually. (Half of the population of Edo at the time)

Matsusaka cotton is the biggest feature of anything, is not it now that you are continuing a natural indigo dye that has decreased in Japan.

+This fabric is already washed. It's natural indigo dye, migration may occur due to strong friction.

The width of the fabric

The thickness of the fabric

Washing methods
Since it slightly get discolored due to the friction of the water, please do not rinse it with others materials. Please shape the fabric up when drying.

Note:It will be sold at 10cm unit(1m=0.1yd).
ex. If you select 1 from pulldown menu, It's 10 cm long. Select 10, it's 1m long.

型番 matsusakaai
販売価格(税込) 165円


濃紺(10cm) -dark blue-
納戸(10cm) -grayish blue-
浅葱紺(10cm) -pale blue-
浅葱(10cm) -pake blue green-
甕覗き(10cm) -light blue-